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About the Lasiter's

Jessica Lasiter was a dance team captain dating a high school football star, Lance Lasiter. Both freshmen at Louisiana State University pursuing medical school, Jessica began to have mysterious symptoms. With these symptoms that began at 19 years old, Jessica was diagnosed with ALS. 

She told Lance to leave her— to go live his life, free from her inevitable struggle but Lance refused to leave her side, instead, he carried her up the aisle at their wedding since she couldn’t walk. 

After several years of the ALS diagnosis, she was diagnosed with Lyme disease though, already severely crippled. In 2017, Jessica gave birth to their son against the doubts of her doctors.

Nearly five years ago, the couple was approached by screenwriter, Steve Doherty, to write their story. This led to meeting with Holly Carney at ANVL Entertainment and ANVL producing a movie about Jessica’s story. 

Witnessing her skillset, operating her computer using solely her feet, ANVL Entertainment hired Jessica as Executive Assistant to Holly Carney and Lucas Foster doing websites, pitch decks, email correspondence, spreadsheets, etc. for their projects. 

It has been nearly 14 years since the start of Jessica’s illness. Though she cannot walk, talk, move her arms, use her hands and due to a near death experience in January is dependent on a tracheostomy and feeding tube, she continues to thrive because of the love in her life. 

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